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  1. Cryptocap

    2022 suburban LS screen upgrade

    How many connections plug into it? can you restore to factory settings on the display?
  2. Cryptocap

    What Happens To My 2022 On-Order Yukon If I Don't Get It By December?

    You should order it with every option you want. The constraints fluctuate quite a bit. For MY22, the power sliding console was available, then on constraint, then cancelled for the rest of the year, then brought back. So who knows what will change in a few months.
  3. Cryptocap

    Zeus has Arrived

    @Crzylgs just did this on mine also with gorilla tape and it worked great. Our center caps are larger than most those in videos, so I found it was easier to create two of those pull tabs opposite one another, that overlap in the middle.
  4. Cryptocap

    Zeus has Arrived

    I need to try the stronger tape then. I have the caps, but didn’t have any luck with a suction cup.
  5. Cryptocap

    Only complaint so far…

    I haven’t noticed that on mine.
  6. Cryptocap

    2021 - Loud/clunking noise when opening a door

    I recall seeing in the manual(p. 218) that it is normal during break in and part of the electrical systems adjusting. It mentions it is a one time thing, however, I have noticed it as well quiet a few times.
  7. Cryptocap

    Refund on cancelled order

    Glad they did that. I had to go in and talk to someone to get my deposit back. I made sure at the beginning to ask if it was refundable, since the would be able to sell it anyway. If they didn’t I would have disputed the charge on my credit card.
  8. Cryptocap

    Yukon denali short wheel or xl ....

    What piece of glorious tech did you use to post your reply? Tablet and chisel? Those humans lived shorter lives due to not having the technological advances we have today. Humans survived all these years by adapting and embracing technology, not ignoring it. Yes, even the simplest tasks.
  9. Cryptocap

    Resale value - Will we see a disaster?

    All great points and I think it shows the multiple ways things can be done to accomplish something. IMO it takes just as much discipline to leverage debt. With a good planned out budget, all the money going in or out is categorized and allocated for. I use credit cards for nearly all my...
  10. Cryptocap

    Good news/Bad News... Tahoe Built.

    They might not have an allocation for one. How long has it been?
  11. Cryptocap

    Aftermarket RSE questions

    you’re welcome. It can hold a Nintendo Switch too. And two of those can be locally connected. So lots of options as kids get older.
  12. Cryptocap

    Gas prices making anyone reconsider?

    That is about normal for Europe too. Even a few years when I was there it was much higher than the states.
  13. Cryptocap

    2022 Tahoe Navigation Screen Question

    Yes, with a router that setup would give full functionality to the built in google maps. See this other thread: Data plan not required for google maps Google support gives a little bit more details on it, but your google assistant should work with a hotspot. Check out the thread above as well...
  14. Cryptocap

    Aftermarket RSE questions

    I picked up two of them on Amazon. For reference, that is an 11 inch iPad in my picture. Here is the link: Lisen tablet holder
  15. Cryptocap

    Gas prices making anyone reconsider?

    For me, it’s not that I don’t care, I’ve just come to accept that these things will go up and plan for that. Food cost, travel, etc. It all is affected by higher fuel cost. I use an app to budget my money because it conveniently connects all of my accounts. I have a certain amount allocated for...
  16. Cryptocap

    Gas prices making anyone reconsider?

    Exactly! It’s all about the use of the vehicle, especially when paying this much. To add on to this right here.. EV’s aside, gas prices go up for everybody. So at a $30 increase 1x per week, is $1,560 a year. Even in a vehicle that gets double the mpg, so only fill up 26 times in a year, it’s a...
  17. Cryptocap

    Aftermarket RSE questions

    This is what mine looks like. The holder keeps it close to the seat. And when you don’t need it, it folds in and out of the way.
  18. Cryptocap

    You don’t have to buy a data plan to use google maps!

    Yes, you can still use CarPlay and run the hotspot simultaneously. If your hotspot doesn’t show up in the list of connections, you can manually enter it. It’s the name of your phone that displays at the top of the infotainment screen, or located in your phone’s settings.
  19. Cryptocap

    2022 Tahoe RST

    Luxury and Max trailering. I see what you mean though. Any build I did on the site had a black RST badge. I hope it’s like that for future models.
  20. Cryptocap

    2022 Tahoe RST

    My 22 has the red one as well.
  21. Cryptocap

    Expedition vs Yukon

    That couple years will put you at the refreshed 2024 model. Which should have super cruise at the minimum. Alot of those optional features will become standard. Tech will get improvements. You won’t be rushed to pick what is available. Not bad at all.
  22. Cryptocap

    Expedition vs Yukon

    Wow!! I certainly will. That is a stressful time. Gave me deja vu, I was doing that a few years ago, pre Covid though, so doesn’t compare to how difficult it is now. Good luck and just take it one day at a time!
  23. Cryptocap

    Expedition vs Yukon

    That is a long time to wait. I had the same need as you and the order I placed in November never was accepted. I was looking at every Tahoe coming in to dealerships around me and got lucky to find the RST I have. paying this much for a vehicle, it should certainly have every option you want...
  24. Cryptocap

    Expedition vs Yukon

    GM sold 220k vehicles(Tahoe, suburban, Yukon) in 2021 compared to the 80k expeditions Ford sold in 2021. So it’s not surprising to see they have less constraints and shorter wait times. Which is also why Ford dealers would be willing to sell at or below MSRP. I don’t think they would be as...

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