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  1. Jason in DLH

    Lets talk about rust!

    I battled rust on my 07 fenders and lower doors. I spent a good amount of time getting down to bare metal outside and inside the wheelwell and thinking I removed all the rust prior to painting. The darn stuff came back eventually. Easiest just to replace or patch like @Jimmyy suggested. On...
  2. Jason in DLH

    2005 Tahoe Bleeding brakes question

    Dot 5 is Silicone based while Dot 3 and 4 are Glycol based. Hence, Dot 3 and 4 can be mixed, but if you want to convert to Dot 5, then it’s a good idea to remove all other fluid first (including purging the ABS).
  3. Jason in DLH

    Driveshaft snapped

    My rear U-Joints busted once (on a 93 Wrangler) which sent the driveshaft spinning and hitting everything. Luckily I was only going 20mph. I can’t imagine what it must have felt like going your speed!
  4. Jason in DLH

    New tires from the dealership

    Nice! I’ll definitely keep this in mind next time wheel shopping, thanks!
  5. Jason in DLH

    6.2L Intake Manifold

    Heck yeah...
  6. Jason in DLH

    21 Denali interior rattles.

    Rattles always drives me nuts. You could always take the dash apart and use a little caulk here and there. I’ve used it a few times on various areas on my wife's Yukon exterior parts with great results.
  7. Jason in DLH

    EV GMC lineup

    Whew! This will forever be in my mind when we eventually get an EV.
  8. Jason in DLH

    EV GMC lineup

    Absolutely. Like others have said, they are planning by 2024. They started with the new GM Hummer. Kind of looking forward to it since I love the instant power. Not a big fan of all those batteries ending up in the landfills after they are depleted of the useful energy (I’m pretty certain...
  9. Jason in DLH

    EV GMC lineup

    There’s an aftermarket “exhaust” for the Tesla that uses speakers. Kind of funny, but it sounded great (on my earphones while I watched it on my phone). I’d imagine you’ll be able to do the same once these GM EV’s are out for awhile. Maybe it’ll even sound better than your LT4. Hmm..I doubt it.
  10. Jason in DLH

    Wood grain cover up

    Looks great!
  11. Jason in DLH

    NOCO Genius Battery Tender Installed

    Howdy folks! Just wanted to share my recent installation and fitment of the Noco Genius GenPro 10x1 battery tender in my wife’s Yukon. It fits perfectly where the second battery tray is (unless of course you have two batteries ). Be careful with screw length as there is something underneath...
  12. Jason in DLH

    AC Accumulator Leak

    Hi all you smart peeps! Got home today and noticed quite the leak on the driveway. I looked under the hood and it was dripping right below the AC accumulator… The liquid looks like water and doesn’t smell at all (no, I didn’t taste it ). One of my questions is: this is safe to drive and...
  13. Jason in DLH

    Ok, who has dropped the tranny pan? How many curse words were dropped?

    My ‘07 wasn’t too bad. Just needed to pry the exhaust out of the way.. And I sucked most of the fluid out prior to dropping the pan via the dipstick. Worked well!
  14. Jason in DLH

    Empty bolt hole front oil pan?

    Hard to see in the picture, but I don’t see any threads in there. You sure it’s for a bolt?
  15. Jason in DLH

    Here’s My New Wrangler!

    I will definitely keep you informed with trail pics! I want to show you all the crazy amount of articulation the thing has (once I find a good spot). Base price for Unlimited (that’s the 4 door) Rubicon is $43k. Excitement got a hold of me a tad and my MSRP was $65k. ‍. Price I ended at was...
  16. Jason in DLH

    Here’s My New Wrangler!

    First time for me ever owning a locker of any kind. I tried the hill (shown above) with AND without the electronic locker engaged. Without the locker engaged I couldn’t make it over the hill. I was very impressed by the locker. Ultimately, it would be awesome to have ARB Air Lockers as they...
  17. Jason in DLH

    Here’s My New Wrangler!

    I honestly have no idea, but I know there’s plugs in the floor pan you can take out to drain water and the carpet comes out very easily as well. So I hope it’s all waterproof!
  18. Jason in DLH

    Here’s My New Wrangler!

    Here’s a couple…
  19. Jason in DLH

    Here’s My New Wrangler!

    Last night I figured out how to put it into 4LO, disconnect the electronic sway bar, engage the lockers and tested it out on a hill that’s very steep (picture doesn’t do it justice). I was shocked how easy it was to climb up AND over the hill! I tried the same hill with my Yukon and I couldn’t...
  20. Jason in DLH

    Here’s My New Wrangler!

    It’s hard to leave completely since everyone here is so awesome! I’ve poked my head in a couple times here and there, but have spent the majority of my internetting over at the Wrangler Forums getting to know the Wrangler better.
  21. Jason in DLH

    Here’s My New Wrangler!

    Thanks! My wife suggested the color before I did and I was like “heck yeah!” (I have owned 2 green Wranglers in the past).
  22. Jason in DLH

    Here’s My New Wrangler!

    I was shocked to hear it doesn’t have an alternator as well. I’ll only believe it once I see it! No interior shots yet.