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  1. Jason in DLH

    Question about Stablitrak

    I agree with @Doubeleive with scanning it to pinpoint the problem. Even if you need to invest in a scanner. It could be something simple like you say. One of my wheel speed sensors wasn’t hooked up, so for me it was a simple matter of reconnecting the sensor.
  2. Jason in DLH

    New Stereo System

    Too bad the OP never posted up the pics. :(
  3. Jason in DLH

    New Stereo System

    I’ve never used Optima, but back in the day always wanting one. Never got around to it though. What’s wrong with Optima?
  4. Jason in DLH

    Good aftermarket headunit

    I really enjoy Kenwood HU coupled with IDataLink Maestro to keep steering wheel controls. I couldn’t figure out the XM connection, so I simply didn’t spend any time on it to connect that. Apparently you need an extra adapter for that.
  5. Jason in DLH

    GPS touch screen

    I’m not exactly sure, but it appears the radio fits Avalanche, Tahoe, Hummer, Yukon (I didn’t see Buick on the list). You can poke around the following site and view the exact year in question and see what models fit what...
  6. Jason in DLH

    Curb rash

    Here’s a great video how to sand it out using a Dremel (or the like) and sandpaper. And then hopefully you can find paint to match. Perhaps you could contact the wheel manufacturer and they’ll give you the paint code. You could then send that code to and they’ll...
  7. Jason in DLH

    Denali picked up

    Nice! I just purchased and installed a range AFM delete module for my wife’s ‘15 Yukon. It was pretty spendy and afterwards I heard of an alternative method for much less, but for the life of me I can’t remember! The Range does what it’s supposed to do, but apparently you’re supposed to...
  8. Jason in DLH

    Damn this thing is pretty

    Sweet ride! Upon closer examination it appears to be in much better shape than my ‘07....your frame has no rust!
  9. Jason in DLH

    Let's talk details....

    I’ve been doing research on steam cleaning the paint. I’m still not there yet, but it definitely sounds promising. In the meantime, I’m really liking Chemical Guys’ Blacklight soap (marketed towards dark paints) with their pressure washer soap cannon and their Chenille wash mitts. Here’s after...
  10. Jason in DLH

    Aftermarket bluetooth suggestions?

    Well that’s pretty neat. I never used that for all the years of owning the truck. :rolleyes:
  11. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    Curious...What are the breathers for?
  12. Jason in DLH

    Aftermarket bluetooth suggestions?

    Just curious how you get free Onstar?
  13. Jason in DLH

    Aftermarket bluetooth suggestions?

    I should have read the other comments first. Looks like @89Suburban suggested a good one that can take and receive calls. ;)
  14. Jason in DLH

    Aftermarket bluetooth suggestions?

    Oh wait...that only plays music from your phone. You’re wanting phone call connectivity. Sorry!
  15. Jason in DLH

    Aftermarket bluetooth suggestions?

    You must be thinking of something like this that will connect to your 3.5mm auxiliary input...
  16. Jason in DLH

    Looking for Advice on Replacement Shock/Spring Options

    I’d say option 3 as well. When I retired my AutoRide I kept the same coil springs and thought it rode great. The rear shocks needed to be replaced shortly thereafter and I went with Rancho RS5000’s and it still feels like an OEM ride in my opinion (I do have 2” coil spacers, so I went with a...
  17. Jason in DLH

    New to member, new (to me) Yukon!

    Lucky find! ‘07 here as well with 140,000 miles and lots of rust. I find to have great paint markers matched perfectly to your RPO code for those chips.
  18. Jason in DLH

    Exhaust on 08 tahoe

    I very much enjoy the Borla XR1 dual inlet/single outlet and dumped right after the muffler.
  19. Jason in DLH

    Cranks but no start...continued *SOLVED*

    I find ChrisFix videos helpful. Here’s a great video of his that may shed some light on the issue for you...
  20. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    They both look great!
  21. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    That’s hilarious!
  22. Jason in DLH

    Driveline noise wtf?

    I’m glad you didn’t drop your phone. certainly would have given me a chuckle. :Big Laugh: I had a rear U-Joint break on me once (on a ‘93 Wrangler) with no signs that it was failing. The driveshaft ended up whipping around beating everything up. It was rather amusing. It was...
  23. Jason in DLH

    2000 Tahoe z71..New here..Buying parts question

    That works out well! I’ve ordered a few things from them, and although they don’t arrive the next day, I’m quite happy with CarId. I especially like how easy their website is to use compared to the rest.

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