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  1. Bad bow tie

    BB coming to North Carolina?

    Here is one more for a tune. Preferably in Raleigh or Fayetteville..
  2. Bad bow tie

    Bigger leveling kit?

    I'm in the same boat with my Sierra. I'm thinking about going with CCM kit or the Top Gun Customs 2.5" as I hear good things about them. By the way, what wheels do you have? Are those KM2 tires?
  3. Bad bow tie

    MLB/NFL/NBA New Era caps and majestic jerseys.

    Not the god damn Ohio State buckeyes.. I hate them haha
  4. Bad bow tie

    Intro and Pics

    What a glorious looking OBS!
  5. Bad bow tie

    Ahhhh. What tires?!?!

    I can agree with this. If you buy cheap shit you will be kicking yourself in the ass later down the road. That's my philosophy.
  6. Bad bow tie

    New Lady

    Welcome aboard new lady!
  7. Bad bow tie

    Operation Bigger Burban.....

    Looks good.. I would keep it exactly like that! haha
  8. Bad bow tie

    how many miles

    Just retired the 1995 Tahoe at 203k. Replaced it with a 2008 GMC Sierra ext cab with 40k.
  9. Bad bow tie

    erratic gas gauge

    My oil pressure gauge does the same thing..
  10. Bad bow tie

    numbers in glovebox

    They are called RPO codes. They tell you all the options that came with your truck from the gear ratio, engine type, everything. They are listed here
  11. Bad bow tie

    Picture of Yukon Denali

    Matching rims and tires finally :party33: All joking aside, looks really good my friend
  12. Bad bow tie

    Brush Guard opinions

    Ranch Hand
  13. Bad bow tie

    will a brush guard for a 99 fit a 96?

    Correct if the guard is off a 99 Tahoe it will fit. If it's off a 99 Silverado, it won't without custom brackets.
  14. Bad bow tie

    BFG All Terrains or Nitto Terra Grapplers

    I have had my BFG's for about 4 years now and have no complaints. I have around 30k on them with another 30k to go. I have even wear and no cupping because I rotate AND balance them every 5k. Couln't be happier with them. I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with everyone saying they are junk tires...
  15. Bad bow tie

    Operation Bigger Burban.....

    Opposed to what? What would you put on the burb if you kept your rims and tires on the Tahoe? Whatever you do put A/T's on the burb to keep the wife happy if that is her rig.
  16. Bad bow tie

    MD Drivers: Repeal the Two Plate Law

    I don't even have a front licesnse plate bracket on my truck...
  17. Bad bow tie

    New GMC owner

    Welcome aboard sir!
  18. Bad bow tie

    Lifted 2 Door

    Absolutley stunning good luck!
  19. Bad bow tie

    Going to Alaska

    That's awesome. Sounds fun too! Hopefully your not carting around a bunch of old people around who have to stop and take pictures of every damn thing. I've backpacked Glacier National 2 summers ago, been to the Boundary Waters 4 times, Philmont, backpacked the Tetons and a good amount of the...
  20. Bad bow tie

    Going to Alaska

    Thats exciting man! What are you doing and where are you going in Alaska? I've always wanted to go there and backpack Denali State Park.
  21. Bad bow tie

    center console insert... where to buy

    Ebay would be easiest.
  22. Bad bow tie

    Need Opinions

    He put on a 3" Rough Country lift a little while ago.
  23. Bad bow tie

    think this will fit a 2-door?

    I'll let you know how the instal goes!
  24. Bad bow tie

    New guy from auburn hills, mi pics inside!!

    Welcome from Holland, MI! nIce truck!