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  1. Kman

    Q: Corsa Exhaust for '03 Yukon 2WD

    I have the 14232 on my 2001 2WD Tahoe and it fits perfectly. No issues.
  2. Kman

    How to remove roof rack sliding cross bars?

    The vertical bars that run with the truck have a plastic caps on each end at the back. Carefully remove both. Slide the horizontal bars back one at a time. Put the plastic caps back in the vertical bars. Should only take like 30 seconds. ;)
  3. Kman

    Climate control illumination

    Not sure on the year of your truck, but the complete 2001 unit is $90 on Amazon.
  4. Kman

    Rear Esky Vents

    If you're interested in selling the black ones send me a PM.
  5. Kman

    Denali Headlight Recommendations

    Great video. Would those brackets work on the Tahoe Depo headlights?
  6. Kman

    Face lift on Snowkon

    How hard is it to remove the plastic pieces on the front and rear bumper? I'd love to get mine powder coated.
  7. Kman

    Wife washed Tahoe....IM EXTREMELY ANNOYED!

    I bought a Toro electric leaf blower at Lowe's a couple years back for $29. Hasn't failed me yet. People sometimes make the mistake of buying a gas one. Problem with the gas ones is they spray a light oily film on the car.
  8. Kman

    post your GRILLE pix

    Does the bumper and grille bolt on or do you have to modify stuff? Looks great!
  9. Kman

    Wife washed Tahoe....IM EXTREMELY ANNOYED!

    Call me crazy, but I use an electric leaf blower to get all the heavy water off my rides after I wash and rinse them (gets all the water out from all the little crevices and door jams). I then spray a light mist of detail spray on each panel as I wipe dry with a microfiber. REALLY cuts down on...
  10. Kman

    Wife washed Tahoe....IM EXTREMELY ANNOYED!

    Make sure you research who is going to detail it. There are a lot of clowns out there claiming to be "professional detailers". Most of these clowns use a rotary and end up putting in swirls and burning the paint. Do your homework before you hand out your ride to get detailed. ;)
  11. Kman

    Wife washed Tahoe....IM EXTREMELY ANNOYED!

    Forget about the Dawn soap. It's a myth to use that to remove wax. You should only use car soap on your ride. Dawn soap can dry out the the trim pieces too. Check the following link...
  12. Kman

    What did you do to your NBS GMT800 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    Cleaning out the inside. Wiped the interior down with some quick detailer. Cleaned the leather seats. Looks good again.
  13. Kman

    What did you do to your NBS GMT800 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    Drained radiator and refilled with Prestone DEXCOOL. Coolant was changed at 49,000 miles ago when the water pump was replaced but I wanted to change it again. Coolant actually looked really good. I took the overflow tank out and cleaned it all up. Looks good.
  14. Kman

    burning oil?

    For the record I'm running 0W-40 Mobil1 and burn a quart every 2,100 miles. M1 is known to get consumed in GM motors. I'm going to switch to Rotella T6 at my next oil change and see if that helps.
  15. Kman

    '05 Tahoe Exterior Restoration Job - lots of pics

    GM#15224193 Radiator Air Deflector/Baffle EXTENSION $28 on plus $25 shipping. $48 via Dealer. You're welcome. ;)
  16. Kman

    burning oil?

    How many miles are you going before having to add a quart?
  17. Kman

    Help with Choice of Oil

    Head over to and start reading the forums.
  18. Kman

    I want new lights but, dont know please help!

    At 35W I'd get 5k. The 55W have more light output but it should look similar. Why not get the 55W kit instead?
  19. Kman

    I want new lights but, dont know please help!

    What lights are you talking about? Headlights? Tail lights? Check the videos in my signature.
  20. Kman

    What did you do to your NBS GMT800 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    Had the transmission serviced (pan dropped, new filter and 5 quarts of fluid). Replaced both fog lights since the lens were missing with TYC stock ones. Ended taking them apart and mounting the new lights to the stock brackets. And I washed and waxed the Tahoe this past weekend. Of course it...
  21. Kman

    shifter spring

    Have the same problem. Anyone know of a fix?
  22. Kman

    What did you do to your NBS GMT800 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    Bought 5 quarts of ATF, the filter kit, and other stuff to drop the trans pan to change the filter and fluid. Couldn't get the trans drain plug off. Used a blow torch and a 10 foot breaker bar. No luck. Ended rounding off the bolt. From what I've read online it's a common problem as GM over...
  23. Kman

    What do you consider High Mileage?

    I never judge a car by it's mileage. I always like to see it in person. If you compared my 2001 Tahoe with 151k miles to one of my family members 2000 Suburban with 97k; they are worlds apart mechanically and cosmetically. Their Suburban has been through hell and back. Zero scheduled maint.
  24. Kman


    Almost every major oil you find at Wally World, Pep Boys, etc. has the proper GM certifications. Just look on the back of the bottle. You can head over to if you want to spend a few hours reading up about motor oil.
  25. Kman

    Going to have the trans serviced and possibly the rear diff fluid changed; questions!

    My Tahoe has 152k miles. Looking at records I believe the Tahoe had the trans serviced at 95k miles at a GM dealership. The receipt is hard to read so I don't know what they did exactly and this is before I owned the Tahoe. When I take my Tahoe to the local trans shop what should I tell them...

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