Well it turns out that the 2nd hole I sealed didn't hold up so I sealed it again and looked everywhere with a mirror and can't find anything else. So maybe that will fix it so I can make it home.I really appreciate the help. I'm gonna let it dry the rest of the day and see what happens. Thanks again
Thanks for the info. The only reason I was thinking take front drive shaft out was because it always spins, even while in 2wd. There must be another hole dead on top that I can't find because after letting jb weld dry I Put fluid back in and as soon as I pull out of drive way I can see it in my...
I'm new to the site and looking for some help. I'm currently at the beach and my transfer case busted.I have about a 6 hr drive home I have jb welded the 2 pin holes I have found. Of course there must be another hole on top I can't find.I was wondering if I could take the front drive shaft out...
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