I ended up drilling out the old lock cylinder. I used progressively larger bits, and finished it off with a Dremel, using a round steel cutting bit. I took great care not to damage the housing the lock cylinder inserts into. The new lock cylinder was 20 bucks at O'Reillys. After calling...
It took forever to get the title from the person I bought the Tahoe from. But I got it today, and had it titled in my name. I took the title to a GM dealer and they made a key based on the VIN. Unfortunately the key doesn't work. The lock must have been replaced at some point in the past...
Hi Everyone,
I am saving a 96 L31 Tahoe LS from the boneyard. I had it towed home last night. The only real problem I have at this point is the keys are lost. I bought a new lock cylinder with keys. I have the column shroud off, but I cannot turn the lock to the run position, so I can...
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