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  1. A

    Is my tranny going out HELP!!!

    As an update...... Since all this happend around thanksgiving shops were bussy trying to get out what they had and not taking big jobs untill next week i did have it cheek for any codes to see if a selanoid was trowing a code but nothing.... So i went ahead and droped the trans.. called the...
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    Is my tranny going out HELP!!!

    No it will go in to second just not in to forth i think... Yea it sux it was all fine untill i decided to replace the transfercase motor
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    Is my tranny going out HELP!!!

    Yes i do but want to rule out anything else before i give them a call.... Update just went out for a drive took it to about 50-55mph it wont go to the nex gear after that i was at 4k rpm notsure it it changes at a higher rpm anyways when i came in town it did grab 1-2 gear but not smooth.. I...
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    Is my tranny going out HELP!!!

    Ok ihave a 02 tahoe just hade my tran replaced 4l60e like a week ago.. Up untill saturday it has been running good now it over revs before shifting to the next gear (have to let go of the gas at around 4k so it shifts have only done it from 1-2 to 3rd afraid to go faster) only big thing i have...

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