As an update...... Since all this happend around thanksgiving shops were bussy trying to get out what they had and not taking big jobs untill next week i did have it cheek for any codes to see if a selanoid was trowing a code but nothing.... So i went ahead and droped the trans.. called the rebuild shop and they will look at it on Monday. They are thinking the pump may be the torque converter wasent installed right but they wont know untill they look at it.. I hope they dont give me a ********* reason and have me pay out of my pocket... And yes i did cheek the oil levl i did have to add 1 1/2qt till it was at the hot mark.... almost forgot to mention i did put in a new transfer case motor before the drop and notice something ... So with new tc motor in it did the same thing( revhigh had to let go of gas so it would shift to gear) on 2wd,4hi but when in 4low i felt it go in gears with out me taking my foot of the gas.... Sorry fothis being long