
  1. D

    Suspected Electrical Issue on 2017 Tahoe

    I purchased the vehicle 4 months ago and noticed some issues early on but I am now piecing things together and I figure they must be related. 1. Power door locks At random times the locks will cycle when i am driving. The most it has ever gone on for is about 10 minutes and some times there...
  2. M

    My link stuck in call

    I made a call with my blue tooth when I hung up my radio was producing no sound when I go to the phone part of the my link it shows the call still active and on hold. I push end call and sound comes back for 5-10 mins then mutes again. I reset it to factory settings I turned it off opened the...
  3. willfalcon

    RSE Audio to Aftermarket HU via bluetooth adapter?

    I've got an 06 Yukon Denali. Got the RSE dvd player. I've had an Apline iLX-W650 for a couple years for the Apple CarPlay. It's fine for that.... It'd be cool to restore the audio for the rear dvd player though. The connection interface I got for the head unit (RP5-GM11) gives you white and red...

    Bluetooth Microphone issues

    I looked through the threads and searched, but didn't find anything along these lines- My 2015 Yukon XL SLE has had some issues with my microphone. Occasionally, I can't seem to get it to "hear" me, and there are occasions when I call someone, or they call me and all they hear is a very loud...

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