oil pressure

  1. Easiski

    Oil pressure issues

    2000 Yukon 5.3 I'll start by saying I have read all the relevant threads, but am a little concerned. I had a loss of oil pressure recently in very hot weather on a long motorway trip (250Kms). I also got a nasty tapping sound from the engine. I had to return home where I put some oil additive...
  2. phatz_hatz

    Low oil pressure on acceleration

    I have a 95 Tahoe with the TBI 5.7 in it, has 227,000 miles on it 10w30 in it and a quart of Lucas oil. Yesterday i realized that when starting from a complete stop the gauge dips down pretty low below 20 but once i get it going again it reads 30-40. I’m wondering if it is more likely the sender...
  3. Levin37

    Low oil pressure at idle, pulling my hair out, looking for any and all options.

    So it started about a year ago, once engine gets to operating temp (coolant needle straight up), the traction/stability light would come on, indicating an issue and then shortly after a p0011 code, “A” Camshaft Position Timing Over Advanced or System Performance Bank 1. Nothing would change in...
  4. T


    Since I bought my 2006 Tahoe it’s had the common cluster issues. The gas and temp gauges always seem normal. The oil pressure gauge will be fine and then drop all the way down. Sometimes it will be all the way down from the start of driving. The volt gauge will work fine sometimes but most of...