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The bolts are blocked by the slides, is there a secret to getting to them?
I’ve torn apart several GMT800 sunroofs. They all suffer the same fate because GM put cheap plastic track and sliding mechanisms in them. Over time they break. The pieces get lodged in the track somewhere and then the glass doesn’t close properly. However check the alignment first before you go the broken track pieces route. Open up your sunshade and you will see four star shaped screws that secure the glass to the arms that slide it and tilt it. They’re T15 torq screws I believe. You can loosen them up and move the back portion of the glass up a little higher, retighten those screws and that will realign the glass so that the seal matches the body of the truck and it closes properly. Try that first. If it still doesn’t line up and close properly than that’s the sign that there’s problems with the track or sliding mechanisms.
The bolts are blocked by the slides, is there a secret to getting to them?