Just trying a bounce a couple ideas.
Have a 04 suburban with the L59.
Got the knock sensor code for bank 2. Replace both with delphi and the harness.
Code came back a few weeks later.
I was reading that the upstream o2 sensor can bug out, causing the computer to throw the knock sensor code. I was thinking about swapping the upstream o2 sensors from side to side.
Only drive ability issue I've seen, if you floor it from a stop it bogs. Kinda like a old quadrajet 4 barrel carb. Hesitates until you are over 2k rpm or so.
I did replace the fuel pump, made it a fair amount better. But, I reckon I should double check fuel pressure, just in case.
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Have a 04 suburban with the L59.
Got the knock sensor code for bank 2. Replace both with delphi and the harness.
Code came back a few weeks later.
I was reading that the upstream o2 sensor can bug out, causing the computer to throw the knock sensor code. I was thinking about swapping the upstream o2 sensors from side to side.
Only drive ability issue I've seen, if you floor it from a stop it bogs. Kinda like a old quadrajet 4 barrel carb. Hesitates until you are over 2k rpm or so.
I did replace the fuel pump, made it a fair amount better. But, I reckon I should double check fuel pressure, just in case.
Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk