Hi new to Yukon forum and desperate for help. Since having a new fuel pump installed I've recently had problems filling my gas tank at the pump. 50 cents in, pump stops over and over again, spilling gas onto the ground and taking 15-20 minutes to fill. After watching a few videos and doing a lot of research I have now changed both the evap vent valve canister/solonoid and the charcoal canister. Both of these items are have been claimed to be the main culprits of my problem. I have also checked for blockage in the fill line, none. And I made sure the baffle in the gas tank at the fill tubes entry operates as it should, which it does. I don't know what move to make next to solve this problem please help. Now I'm afraid with the fill tube overflowing constantly I'm now destroying my new charcoal canister!!! After this list of parts I've already installed you can understand why taking it to the dealer is not really an option at this point.