Let's use the my KISS principle "Keep It Simple.... Stupid."
#1 Is the oil full? Top it off...if it is dirty, change it.
#2 Does the motor have internal oil pressure? If the valve/cam lifters and rocker arms are tapping after more than 20 seconds after start-up then you have little to no oil pressure. Cause: Bad oil pump or oil pres. relief valve in oil pump....replace whole pump.
#3 Does the motor get hot fast due to low or no pressure or tap only when hot. Replace oil pump.
#4 If it doesn't tap or run hot when warmed up.... then you need to replace the oil pressure sending unit and the screen underneath it located at the top/rear of the block. Do both and you may also need the wiring harness pig-tail if that appears damaged. This is a common issue.
I sell Police Tahoe PPVs & Suburbans and have don this a few times in my 38 years in police cars.