Having "exercised" it a few times since the snow hit it seems to be doing better going into and out of 4HI. I've taken to turning the key to on, letting the 4WD thing doing its thing and end up on 4HI before starting the engine and it seems to like that better than jumping in jamming on the key to start it before I've even settled into the seat. Patience; who knew?
For kicks I thought I'd try 4LO and right on cue it blew the fuse. I presume, since it blew the same fuse, the same part is the culprit here? Or is there another shift motor used to go from HI to LO?
Added: I haven't had the chance or a place to pull the plug and test that out, but as sporadic as the draw issue seems to be I'm guessing it's a motor issue. They mentioned a four pin and a six pin version. What's the difference?