All of a sudden the shifter on 2003 Tahoe will not go into park. Shifter lever stops solid as if hitting something. Goes into reverse, neutral, drive and lower gears fine and trans shifts good going down road. Checked cable condition from shifter arm to transmission connection. Great shape no fray cracks or breaks. Found where alledged adjustments are made but not sure of directions. Any help greatly appreciated. Need to fix to renew registration and inspection.
Does the gear shift lever feel more loose than normal or a bit bouncy?
You may have either broken the detent spring which is basically directly at the base of the gear shift lever OR the linkage on the driver side of the transmission pan may have slipped due to a cracked or broken clip preventing full movement.
Whatever you do, do NOT start jerking or forcing the gear shift lever. Applying too much pressure may cause further damage possibly even damaging the manual valve in the transmission valve body.
I would either start by inspecting the linkage next to the tran pan on the drivers side, it'll have a rubber boot around part of it, or carefully removing the steering column cover and inspecting the base of the gear shift selector.