I'm working on making my idle smoother. I did 3 things.
- reprogrammed the pcm to idle a higher at 625 rpm
- cleaned maf. Use dedicated maf cleaner.
- cleaned throttle body. Use dedicated cleaner for this as some destroy coatings and the plastic.
Holy moly this is dirty
After cleaning
The pcm takes time to relearn the throttle body after it's disconnected. Shifts are weird and throttle response sucked. I did a few drives on the highway and it's better now.
Overall the Yukon idles nicer. I'll post later if this changes. It's nice that it idles like a luxury (sort of) vehicle should.
Ohh and I read some idle lumpiness is inherent to the engine design. The 6.2 and other engines have heads that flow so well it's hard to get a super controlled volume of air at idle.