Hold on here... You're getting a rattle from the windows with the windows UP? Or when the windows are DOWN? And where does the noise come from? A seal up around the top of the door, or somewhere IN the door?
It's possible, if the tint installer removed the door panel to tint the window, that something is now loose in the door, creating a rattle. Is THAT what the shop is claiming?
I think we need some more info here.
(I have PRONOUNCED rattles/creaks in my REAR windows when they are down. They rock in their tracks, and squeak and make noise. I didn't have any tint applied to them -- the window track system just blows.)
PLUS 1 on all the dealer statements ABOVE about them just not wanting to take care of it.
HOWEVER, in regards to your rattle I would like to state the following as it was mentioned above:
"It's possible, if the tint installer removed the door panel to tint the window, that something is now loose in the door, creating a rattle".
I as well had a VERY ANNOYING window rattle on my drivers side window, but ONLY in the down position.
Take the door panel off and you will find numerous hardware items behind the door panel. In my case, the window was slightly loose in the track and I tightend the screws holding the window to the track/motor.
HOWEVER, there was one screw behind the panel which appeared to be only somehow screwed into the sheet metal (did not look like it was really part of the window/track/motor), and this screw was completely loose making the tin metal rattle sound.
After I tightened all the screws and put the door panel back in place, ALL RATTLE NOISE is gone.
Hope this helps.