Well recently picked up the suburban, dealer cleared the codes right before i bought her and low and behold, they came back. So partially documenting this to help others, but i welcome others to chime in as well. P0172 & P0175, from what i've looked into so far, it seems the common issue is High pressure fuel pump under the intake, or MAP sensor. With the map sensor generally being the culprit when it comes to running lean, but these are running rich. To truly verify, i'll need to warm her up and unplug the map and watch my fuel trim levels to see what they do, but i guess it's pretty common for the HPFP to leak internally and share it's fuel vapors into the intake, increasing the fuel air mixture and causing a rich AFM. I might diag a little bit tonight, but it is 100+ degrees today, so we will see.
Code list

And initial data pulled, on a cold engine after sitting for several days

Open to thoughts and opinions
Code list

And initial data pulled, on a cold engine after sitting for several days

Open to thoughts and opinions