You are going to need to perform some shenanigans to keep them from rubbing. You'd be going up 1.6" in diameter according to this tire size calculator: Tire Size Calculator
33s are usually doable, but even they are going to rub at full lock on stock ride height. Your new setup is 33.2". And you are likely no longer at stock ride height unless your suspension has recently been replaced. And we also don't know your new wheels' offset. That can also factor into whether they rub or not.
If you really want to run them, though, I suggest putting them on, seeing where they rub, and seeing if you can do some microsurgery on your Tahoe to keep them from rubbing. There's also the "NorCal mod" -- basically beat the front body components until they no longer rub on your wheels. There may be some YouTube videos on it, but I don't have time to search them out for you, right now.