There is a 3rd cat on some. They were put on for extra chemical changeover for passing emissions. Federal emissions will soon become CAL, and CAL in the future will continue to become stricter on emissions. Also, by removing them will change your fuel trim and result in poorer fuel economy as the computer is trying to level it out due to the rear sensors reading the output of non-existant cats.
The resonator is all the way to the rear, they don't put them in front of the muffler on these vehicles.
It is apparent in the automotive industry that no one knows how converters work, or why they are on there, other than the MAN trying to repress exhaust freedom on the working class.
They aren't hurting anything, leave them on there and shine some rims.
Sorry if I come off as overbearing, but having an exhaust shop and everyone going off of 40 year old thinking is very frustrating. Technology has changed so much in the last 5 years alone, but we can't get past these generational hand me down cliches that converters are bad.