Supporting Member
thanks for replies
truck is a 97 tahoe.
today- friday- i am just over 100 miles since last attempt = not out of gas yet. not sure at this point if i should try and put 20 in. as i have run out twice since having the truck and in my life- this truck- needle did not move at all. maybe i got lucky the 2 times i did fill the truck up.
as for the post on how to check - dont mean to sound like an idiot. but i dont have a clue where to start - what to look for- where to go with a tester i barely know how to operate. sorry- just being honest. guess when i googled it a while back, first thing i saw was - some plastic part in tank breaks, and im not really trying to drop the tank. so been going with 20=100 miles. when i filled. the 80+ got me 400- so thats how i been riding the last year plus-
thanks again for the replies
rear of truck leaks water inside when it rains??? not sure if the right place.... but since you guys seem helpful...id like to stop that. didn't know when i picked the truck up- but first car wash after purchase... raining in the back of the truck
First off, stop measuring gas in total $ put in. Measure it by gallons.
If I read correctly, you have a 30 gallon tank. If gas was $3.00/gal when you did your $80=400 miles, $80 would give you just under 27 gallons of gas, which is almost a full tank and if you drove 400 miles, that would be between around 15 mpg which seems reasonable for your vintage of truck. With that math, if you have currently driven 100 miles, I would expect you should be able to put in between 6 & 7 gallons which at $2.00/gal would be $12-$14 dollars.
If you are able to put that much gas in, gallons, not dollars, your tank is probably venting fine and you just need to focus on getting the gas gauge working. If you can only put in 2 or 3 gallons, then you have both a gauge issue and a venting issue.
If you’re not comfortable trying to fix it, that’s fine. At least you have an idea of what to tell a mechanic and what to expect them to say needs to be fixed.
As for your leak, I think you might get more help if you post your question in the exterior section for your vintage vehicle.