this might be a long shot, or dead wrong, but i think that i've seen somewhere that there is a signal from the oil pressure switch to the fuel pump that tells it to turn off if it doesn't see oil pressure within a certain amount of time. and i'm not sure if that's even the case or not, but seeing how if you feed it fuel and it still runs, it's not an ignition issue or a security issue, in my opinion. and don't always assume that because the fuel pump is new that it's all good either. electrical stuff is funny like that. sorry i'm rambling, i keep looking at your original post and trying to think as to what it could be. but i'd double check fuel rail pressure, and make sure it's sufficient, and make sure that the pump doesn't peter out after start up. could be pump, relay, wiring to the pump, ignition switch, the list goes on. but try and single out all the problems and it'll whittle down your options. keep us posted.