Could be a bad bearing or connection on the blower...
I used to have to kick/tap/whack my blower to get it to work from time to time. Replaced the blower motor and no more issue with air flow.
Was looking at YouTube videos, looks easy enough.
But I don't see how the blower motor by itself could be responsible for my issue, the motor blows fine, the air out of the vent slowly goes from full blast to almost nothing. Looks like with the above mentioned the motor either blows or it doesn't, and I should be able to hear the difference, which I don't.
Almost thinking actuator is slowly closing the door blocking off airflow. It sounds like the blower is blowing air against something, the way the sound changed, like putting your hand in front of a hair dryer or something....
Buy what I don't get is why it is not just changing to some other vent like defrost?
How many doors and actuators are there? Is there an actuator responsible of air flow being on and off and then another one for what vent the air goes to? It is almost like airflow is getting cut off right at the mouth of the blower.
Happened again last night. Was blowing fine, then about half, then about 5%, all gradual, not a step function change, like a door was slowly closing. Then I turned it off for 5 minutes. Back inn flow was about 50%, then a step function change to 100%?????
I guess I'm going to have to start replacing stuff until I find the problem.
I need to find a schematic of the system.. Anyone?