Sounds like the compressor and/or clutch is going bad. It'll do that for a while until it completely locks up and you'll burn right through that secondary belt. Unless someone knows something I don't, I would change it out soon, or disconnect that belt for it until you do. When it does fail (and it's the compressor itself), the internals kinda sheer, and throw a bunch of crap into the lines and system. Then you're going to have to change out other parts and clean out the lines before you install the new one. Mine started to do the same thing, and sometimes would lock up a bit and then let loose (tore through one belt). Then it finally quit and wouldn't engage anymore by itself, only manually (if I remember, my clutch was bad). Changed out the compressor w/clutch and cleaned out the lines from the old oil. Then installed a new one, and haven't had a problem since. Even if your A/C problem is only the clutch, it is HIGHLY advised that you change it all out (compressor with the clutch) since the compressor fails right after. It is not cost effective to change out the clutch when the compressor is going to fail soon after. Are you going to do it yourself or take it to a shop? How many miles do you have?