Don't have that response when I hold the button. It just says "OnStar ready," so I just think it doesn't have Bluetooth capability
Yeah, I heard the gentleman in that video say 2009 thru...
I have a 2007 Denali with OnStar and all the bells/whistles...and I do not get the initial voice prompt when I hit the PTT button. When I say Bluetooth, it states the command is not recognized.
I wonder how different a 2009 system with bluetooth is electronically from the 2007. I would suspect dimensions would be the same as the dash is very similar, but does it require a different amp setup or steering controls? I don't know. I also know that some of the aftermarket systems require the 'add on' modules to keep steering controls and those need to be housed behind the well. Not impossible, but just another headache to worry about in the future.
I guess us 2007-2008 folks didn't get the cool toys...