I need to have my rear differential replaced on my 2004 Tahoe with 197000 miles. It is expected to cost around 1500-1600 and the idea of repairing it ourselves is not an option. Is there anyone that has experienced this natural slow death of their vehicle with this high mileage that saw the life of their vehicle extended for a good amount of time? Or does everything just start going down from here? Can anyone give me a "ballpark" timeline as to how much more life we have with this vehicle? The transmission was replaced in 2015, so I'm not worried about that as much as the steering,suspension,driving, etc. Thanks for any advice! We also have twin babies, so safety is important to us, and our next purchase would have to be another suv or minivan (the minivan i would not be so excited to buy, but it is more economical)
As a father of twins I completely understand the need for safety. I have a 2005 Z71 Suburban. it currently has around 195500 miles on it. Depending how long you have had the vehicle will help you make your decision. Plus having a good mechanic (assuming you don't do stuff yourself) whom you trust is pretty damn important too. I bought the 05' in April '08 when it had 45,678 miles on it. The truck has been fantastic overall, although replacing the rear A/C lines last year sucked and was costly. The biggest part to me is knowing exactly how the truck has been treated and how it was cared for. Do I beat on my truck sometimes, hell yes! But I also spend the extra money to make sure she is taken care of. I make sure I use high quality parts and fluids. The rear main seal just started leaking in the last month, nothing serious yet. I know it will definitely mean a rebuild in the future, but once it is done I know it will be a rock solid motor, with some extras

Then a transmission will be needed if/when it dies down the road sometime. But once I've got those replaced I see nothing major in the future. and she'll be able to do another 200k + with ease.
another thing to think about is to participate in a site like TrueDelta
https://www.truedelta.com/ I like them because they offer me a place to record things that get replaced and I can tell how much they cost, etc. It does two things, keeps track of my truck for me and helps them gather data, which helps them get more views and hopefully more participation.
summing up, if your vehicle has overall been good for you and you've owned it for a while and know what has and hasn't been replaced keep it. fyi, a new Tahoe would cost an ungodly amount(at least to me) to purchase now-a-days. even a couple years old is still pretty rediculous. I payed $30k for mine in '08 and thought I was crazy then(probably still am

) for paying that much. enough babbling, best of luck to you.