Well I bought a high mileage Tahoe a few months ago and half expect to have transmission issues. This weekend, it started shuddering when downshifting, especially when turning a corner and not stopping (guessing in second). It would slip sometimes when upshifting. And most notably, the tranny fluid was way high after sitting. When cold or hot and checking the fluid, it was at the proper level. From when I have read, the converter must be bad.
So with 122,000, the truck is in excellent condition and has run perfect and I expect to keep it for a number of years so I've accepted the inevitable. I'm in a small town so I think we have one tranny shop and a Chevy dealer and GMC dealer. I'll go talk to them this week and get my options. I think I would go with a GM or Casper remanufactured, unless I get a really good feeling about the transmission shop for a rebuild. I've read the other threads and read what Nick says I should be looking for. I do all my own service on all my vehicles so I really hate letting someone else do the work. But it's just too big of a job for me without a lift.
So with 122,000, the truck is in excellent condition and has run perfect and I expect to keep it for a number of years so I've accepted the inevitable. I'm in a small town so I think we have one tranny shop and a Chevy dealer and GMC dealer. I'll go talk to them this week and get my options. I think I would go with a GM or Casper remanufactured, unless I get a really good feeling about the transmission shop for a rebuild. I've read the other threads and read what Nick says I should be looking for. I do all my own service on all my vehicles so I really hate letting someone else do the work. But it's just too big of a job for me without a lift.
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