We live in southern coastal Maine but we still get snow and they use a lot of salt on the roads.
We have a '16 Tahoe that we bought new in October '16 I run snows on it and after the first winter (the Tahoe was 6 months old!) when I was changing the snows, I noticed a LOT of surface rust on the frame. The dealer wouldn't do anything about it as it hadn't rusted through. I took it to a Ziebart dealer in Biddeford Maine and had them power wash it, spray it all with rust eliminator and then undercoat it. Cost was $700 but has been through a winter and a half since then and there is no sign of rust so I am pleased. (I also take it to a car wash at least weekly and have the bottom washed too. We have a great deal up here-unlimited car washes for $15/month!)
That's an awesome deal.
New place just popped up by work. Unlimited for $17/mo. Been seriously considering it.