The MAF itself will not result in any measurable gains when all other factors remain equal. It is very common that aftermarket mass air readings are significantly lower (errantly) than pre-modifications readings. This lowered airflow reading will "permanently" result in an increase in ignition timing, due to referencing an area of the spark map associated with a lower density air charge. This increase in ignition timing on a factory tuned ECU will almost always result in a mileage and power gain. This gain is a side effect of the MAF and not directly attributable otherwise. At the same time, it is very common for the MAF to immediately yield LESS full throttle power due to a significant lean condition until the computer has had a chance to compensate via long term closed loop fuel trimming. Additionally, a lower airflow measurement will result in a lower torque calculation by the ECU, which will yield a softer shift and quite possibly a shortened transmission life (have seen it happen).