For whatever warranty you're considering purchasing, make sure that you understand exactly what is and is not covered under the warranty. This may seem obvious, but many people presume that a warranty covers everything, only to discover when they have occasion to seek a repair that their particular issue is not covered and they must pay for repair of that issue.
Absolutely good advice! I spent more money on my 2007 Expedition that I had a 7yr/100,000 mile warranty on then any car I've owned. It really soured me on Ford.
My pessimist side says to get it. Seeing how these new trucks are coming straight off the lot with various defects and failures and dealerships are able to exclude them from the factory warranty because they're able to deem it "normal" or "within tolerances" or whatever. At least with a supplemental warranty, you'll have an extra leg up in your defense, assuming you can prove the issue falls under the coverage.
I think vehicles are probably better than they've ever been, but like a lot of things, the internet has just made us much more aware of the things that do happen.