How long can I expect the battery to last when the 2023 Tahoe is parked? Can I go 2 or three months and have it start, or am I looking at 2 or 3 days? I know that asking for a month or more is a lot but my 2008 Chevy gives me a dead battery in 2 weeks. I successfully fixed this issue on the 2008 by installing a Prioritystart battery isolator. It is also good if I am camping and inadvertently draining the battery from the RV. Can a battery isolator be installed on a 2023 Tahoe, and if so, is this a good idea or bad idea? I know that the vehicle can shed load by turning off items such as the AC if the vehicle is running and the battery is going low. Does this sort of thing happen when the vehicle is turned off? In other words, does the vehicle effectively already have a battery isloater built in?