Like others I've noticed, I'm back bc I got rid of my toys and forgot all about this site!! Shame on me lol but now I've got myself into a pretty healthy 2003 GMC Z71 w about 126k amd rolling. Non molested truck! Managed to start removing decals and the chrome that was EVERYWHERE on it, and replaced the exhaust(majority of it) into a magnaflow 2 1/4 dual inlet-3" out. That's it. So I'd say it's 98% stock now lol. I'm eager to start putting money into the engine/drive train etc bc of its potential. My main goal is to make it a 4wd launching street warrior. Everyone here has lifted them sky high, well, I like to be different. I'll probably catch hell from all my okies "that's a damn good ol pickup w no use now" lol anyways, hey, sup, and thanks for reminding me that I needed to come back!!