I looked through the threads and searched, but didn't find anything along these lines-
My 2015 Yukon XL SLE has had some issues with my microphone. Occasionally, I can't seem to get it to "hear" me, and there are occasions when I call someone, or they call me and all they hear is a very loud digital squealing, almost akin to squelch breaking or repeater tones, but very loud and very difficult to deal with.
I have had the mic just not hear me, the other day while using my navigation, I left the planned route (getting the long-winded response when leaving a planned route) and when the system asked if I'd like updated directions (which I answered yes to) I couldn't get it to hear me. I kept saying "yes" and the system just kept repeating the options menu. I finally had to use the touch screen and tell it to stop.
I took it in for service, and mentioned the problem to the dealer, and of course, it was working fine.
Ironically, the day of my service appointment, my battery died (6 years, 17000 miles) and I needed to jump the truck to get it in to service.
I haven't had the issue again, but wondered if anyone else has ever had an issue with their microphone, either during a phone call (using your linked cell) or while using the hands-free command menus.
My 2015 Yukon XL SLE has had some issues with my microphone. Occasionally, I can't seem to get it to "hear" me, and there are occasions when I call someone, or they call me and all they hear is a very loud digital squealing, almost akin to squelch breaking or repeater tones, but very loud and very difficult to deal with.
I have had the mic just not hear me, the other day while using my navigation, I left the planned route (getting the long-winded response when leaving a planned route) and when the system asked if I'd like updated directions (which I answered yes to) I couldn't get it to hear me. I kept saying "yes" and the system just kept repeating the options menu. I finally had to use the touch screen and tell it to stop.
I took it in for service, and mentioned the problem to the dealer, and of course, it was working fine.
Ironically, the day of my service appointment, my battery died (6 years, 17000 miles) and I needed to jump the truck to get it in to service.
I haven't had the issue again, but wondered if anyone else has ever had an issue with their microphone, either during a phone call (using your linked cell) or while using the hands-free command menus.