Here's a screencap with injector pw (bank 1 and bank 2 averages)
Cyl airmass was around .17g at idle, max recorded was .69g under throttle. Doesn't always KR when the airmass is high, though frequently does.
I rescaled the spark timing and retard to be on the same scale. (default upper/lower limits on graph were different)

Where the spark and knock retard graphs intersect prior to the cursor mark (and knock retard) the timing was around -1 and KR was 0.
The spike on the MAF sensor.. probably throttle snap.. not all accels. Still get KR without it.
spark timing bumps after the cursor are shifts. I believe spark timing is the actual timing and the KR shows how much was taken out.
As far as bad gas, I can't say I've ruled it out. But seeing as how the fuel composition reads in the correct range..
Before when it went from 8%->0%->10% was probably the recalibration after fillup. Steady at 10% now.
Will check motor mount bolts when I replace knock sensors. If no change, will do compression.
But how likely is it idling smooth, revving smooth, but power cut under load feels forced due to compression?
I might do the cylinder balance test again in the Tech2 now that the plug is fixed.
Secondary O2's stay rich near the end of that log.. They oscillate with the primaries initially...
These logs are with the bad spark plug, showing misfires. But it drives/bogs the same both ways, just idle smoother with a good plug.
Only ever showed about 3-4 degrees max knock retard in the past.
Another more zoomed out part of log.. shows fuel presure 57psi at startup, steady 43psi after that.