Black Bear tunes are EFI-Live based and are specifically tailored to YOUR truck, YOUR location, YOUR tire size, and YOUR mods. You simply cannot get the level of performance and customization out of a hand-held programmer that BBP offers with their tunes. For example, I live in the Denver area and do some mountain driving. Justin was able to tweak the tune for my elevation and the kind of driving conditions that are typically seen in the mountains.
Justin can also detect maintenance issues or problems that otherwise would go unnoticed. For example, he detected an intake leak on my Yukon that was robbing performance by throwing off the MAF sensor. Had I just plugged in a programmer and uploaded some cookie-cutter high performance tune, my truck would have been running dangerously lean due to the un-metered air that was coming in through the leak. I wasn't able to fix it with the stock intake, so he compensated for the leak in the programming of the tune to extract the most power he could without it being dangerous. I later bought an AEM intake which solved the issue entirely.
Sell the bully dog, and get ahold of Justin or Jenna for a BBP tune. You will not be disappointed. I know it sounds like I work for them (trust me, I dont), but the benefits are worth it.