OP indicates that it’s “brown with a hint of pink” and didn’t indicate that he sees metal sparkles. He also indicates that it shifts “like a dream”.
I recommend that he change the pan filter, clean the magnet, and also do a fluid exchange. Just because the precious owner(s) skipped one maintenance doesn’t justify delaying it more. Transmission fluid breaks down over time. Making a judgement of fluid quality based on colour is not enough:
“According to the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA), fluid breakdown is still the number one cause of most transmission failures. Worn-out, oxidized transmission fluid can’t provide the same level of lubrication and protection as fresh fluid. Contaminants in the fluid and varnish buildup on critical surfaces take a toll over time. Dirty worn-out fluid can cause control valves to stick, and bearings and clutches to fail inside the transmission.”
On the other hand, I once owned a 1997 GMC Suburban that had 150k. Fluid was “brown with a hint of pink”. I had it reverse-flushed by an auto shop I worked at. A week later it wouldn’t shift out of reverse. Little that I knew was that the mechanics had an idea brewing that ever since the BG trans flush machine entered the shop they were starting to replace a lot of transmissions. Needless to say, some of the mechanics no longer recommended using that machine. One old dog tech pointed out that he never had issues after a spill-n-fill (pan & filter change only) in 25 years yet he started to feel like a scoundrel ever since that BG machine arrived.