The batteries in the TPMS sensors last between 8-10 years at most. So your 2011 Tahoe is LONG overdue for a set of replacement sensors. The used 2108 Silverado rims may or may not have 315 MHz sensors. I believe for 2019 there was a split of 315 MHz and 433 MHz sensors. Without knowing the full history on the 2018 rims, they TPMS sensors may have dead batteries or they may be 433 MHz sensors.
You can buy a cheap tool to trigger the sensors on Amazon for around $10, not 100% sure if they can show battery status of the sensor. Or buy a tool from $150-$250 that is more advanced. Understand you can probably buy new sensors for about $30 each, so you may not want to invest a lot of money in a tool and just by and install new sensors.
While it is the redneck way to install sensors, I used a short section of 4" x 4 " wood block, jack up the truck, remove the air from the tire, lay the tire under the control arm or rear axle, position the 4" x 4" block on the side of the tire right at the bead and lower the truck to break the upper bead so I can replace the sensors. Sometimes you need to try many times and rotate the tire to another area of the bead to break the tire down. I have done this many times on a number of different vehicle.
Or take the car to Costco or another tire center and have sensors replaced, it will cost you about $25 per tire plus around $40 per sensor from my experience. Costco is apparently the largest TPMS retailer in the country from what they have told me.
I once had to have a terse and long conversation with the Costco national tire store manager about TPMS sensor replacements on a neighbors Subaru after they had all 4 TPMS sensors replaced and they did not properly relearn the sensors. I think it was a 2013 model that required a more advanced scan tool to access the TPMS controller (which I personally had) to clear out the TPMS low battery and missing sensor faults and to relearn each sensor using both a TPMS tool and the advance scan tool.
Costco had been in bed with I think Schrader and their tools at the time were not capable of doing this job. The Costco national tire store manager told me that Costco staff we not allowed to connect to the OBDII port and relearn sensors, but as I politely mentioned this is the only way relearning could be done on this model and it had 13 years since the TREAD Act was signed into law and Costco needed to up their game as TPMS was nothing new and if they were the largest retailer of TPMS sensors in the US they should be masters of their craft!
Anyway, a decent TPMS tool can trigger the sensors, some sensors indicate the battery life, some don't. You can determine the frequency with the tool and if the sensor does not trigger, then the battery is likely dead and the sensor needs to be replaced. My 2005 Yukon is on the 2nd replacement TPMS sensors at this point in time!