Still early here, 05:30, but up and at the manuals am I. I do love a puzzle.
Both the TPMS and the key fobs send their radio frequency signals to the Passenger Door Module, PDM. The PDM needs to send off the pertinent information to the Cluster and the BCM. There is a single tan wire from the PDM to a splice pack near the left i/p fuseblock which also has one brown wire from the Drivers Door Module (DDM), one grey wire from the Cluster, and one light green wire from the BCM.
You might be able to deduce a bad connection of this serial data bus by seeing what works and what doesn't. For example if you press the drivers door lock switch and only the front doors lock or unlock, that could indicate bad wiring from the DDM, through the splice pack to the BCM.
If pressing the DDM door lock switch locks and unlocks all doors and hatch then you know the wiring is sound from DDM through splice pack to the BCM since it is the BCM that does the locking and unlocking of the rear doors and hatch. This would possibly suggest the issue may be with the tan wire from the PDM to the splice pack.
I am suggesging this due to the fact that both the TPMS and key fob systems are inoperative and those systems both require that the serial data wiring be connected from the PDM through to the Cluster and the BCM through that splice pack.
Naturally, it could be something else entirely, but this seems to fit.
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