Yes, its an obs and it's silver or pewter. it has the 16" five spoke wheels on it. The damage was moderate, but from what i understand the front horn was only tweaked but was straightened properly. It has alot of new parts and yes the intake gaskets were done about two years ago. He doesn't drive it that much because he owns a shop/towing company and pretty much uses it to haul family around. I know that if anything else were wrong with it he would tell me. there are two of the same model and color z71's on craigslist or at dealerships in WI for 7970 and 7995. i did find a dark blue z71 for 5500 with around 160000, but the lady didn't seem to know anything about it at all. I'm truly hoping to get it around 5-5500 otherwise i would almost rather have the 99. they both look pretty nice and it's a loaded up lt so option wise they should be pretty comparible other than styling... also found an 02 z71(nbs) with about 185k on it for 8ish... i think the 2000 is the best option. Here in WI lower mileage tahoes aren't that common and the ones around are kinda high in price.