I use the clamps that came with the kit, no welding. As far as clamp style its a Band style clamp. They supply 2 of them with the kit. One for where you cut off the resonator and put on the SLP pipe and one to attach the dual tip to the pipe.
The only thing i had a little trouble with and it might have been my mistake was where to cut it. I swear i read the directions correctly and im not an idiot when it comes to tools and directions. I had trouble sliding on the exhaust hanger thats welded to the SLP pipe into the factory rubber location. Again, i dont know if i just cut it wrong or the fact the my Tahoe is a 2011 and maybe they changed the position of the facory exhaust hanger....i dont know.
Once i cut the resonator off i figured the best way to install it, after having some difficulty getting the SLP pipe and exhaust hanger to slide into the factory location was to hang the SLP pipe in the factory location AND THEN slide the SLP pipe onto the factory exhaust pipe. Worked like a charm and then slid the second clamp on, then the sweet looking dual tip, tighten it down and away i go.
I have my camera here at work, i'll try and take a pic or 2.