Consider this, your light comes on and you pull up to the pump, you have about 4 gallons of 93 octane fuel left on board. If you pumped in 17 gallons of 87 and 5 gallons of E85, you'd wind up with an octane rating of around 91.38 and an alcohol content of 22% according to the math. I do not know if those 6.2s like that or not, you fellas have to find out which mixture will maximize your fuel economy and keep the octane rating up while saving you a small fortune on fuel costs.
Here's another example: You have 4 gallons of E85 left on board, pump in 5 gallons of E85 and 17 gallons of 87 and you'd wind up with an R+M octane rating of 93.23 with a 34% alcohol content.
If @BlackBearPerf cautions against doing this, I'd like to know their reasons why.
I spoke with Justin and he said you would effectively get the same octane rating, but the fuel milage would be terrible doing it that way.