Just Steph
Did it with my 2007 Avalanche many moons ago. Only advice I'd give you is don't let it sit too long without driving. I used to switch between E85 and 91 octane. Drove until the truck was on fumes before I used one or the other. Let the truck sit for awhile (couple months) and had to get it towed to the dealer to replace the fuel filter by the time I got back to it. Last fill up was E85. I'm not a mechanic, so I couldn't tell you why I only had that issue with leaving the E85 in my tank for longer periods of time. Could have been it was just the last juice in the tank, and the fuel filter was starting to fail anyway. This happened when I had about 25K on the clock. *shrug* I'm up to 48K on the clock and haven't had the issue again (probably because I never put E85 back in it after the fuel filter change).
Anyway, I agree...the engine responded better to the E85, and my foot always found a reason to go a little closer to the floor, so forget about mpg. Lots more fun to drive