Hoping to find some assistance/ advice with the gremlins we've got in our Tahoe.
The battery light, "check coolant", "check charging system" on the display came on and the ac started blowing hot all at once. The voltage gauge was showing 17v (ish). We took it to a couple local shops that both said nope, go to the dealer. So we went to the dealership and they said the battery ground cable was bad (?) and that was the cause of a malifunction in every module. They replaced it ($300!!- for a ground cable, but thats another story) and everything worked great for a couple days, then bam, right back to the same issues- at 1st blowing cold just through the driver's side vents and now all hot.
It's also got a new Bosch battery (2 weeks and showing 12.5v after sitting overnight?), a 1 year old alternator (NAPA).
I should probably mention that the headlights flicker pretty badly.
After doing a lot of web searching it seems like it could be an alternator (bad internal voltage regulator), bad battery or ECM issue.
Since the battery & alt are still under warranty I have removed them and will attempt to return today. Fingers crossed. The whole reason we took it in was to avoid throwing parts at it until something worked! Oh well. Still likely cheaper to do that that pay the dealer rates.
In the mean-time my wife is driving my truck or sportscar and this is bad. I've got to get her tahoe fixed!
The battery light, "check coolant", "check charging system" on the display came on and the ac started blowing hot all at once. The voltage gauge was showing 17v (ish). We took it to a couple local shops that both said nope, go to the dealer. So we went to the dealership and they said the battery ground cable was bad (?) and that was the cause of a malifunction in every module. They replaced it ($300!!- for a ground cable, but thats another story) and everything worked great for a couple days, then bam, right back to the same issues- at 1st blowing cold just through the driver's side vents and now all hot.
It's also got a new Bosch battery (2 weeks and showing 12.5v after sitting overnight?), a 1 year old alternator (NAPA).
I should probably mention that the headlights flicker pretty badly.
After doing a lot of web searching it seems like it could be an alternator (bad internal voltage regulator), bad battery or ECM issue.
Since the battery & alt are still under warranty I have removed them and will attempt to return today. Fingers crossed. The whole reason we took it in was to avoid throwing parts at it until something worked! Oh well. Still likely cheaper to do that that pay the dealer rates.
In the mean-time my wife is driving my truck or sportscar and this is bad. I've got to get her tahoe fixed!