Ive been browsing there site for a few week's along with seeing more and more of there product on ebay so I decided to order a few cans. It seems (according to them) that this stuff is colder then R12. So I decided to order 4 cans of "Advanced" Enviro safe they show 3 differant ones for r134 systems, it lists that 6oz replaces 16oz of 134, supposed to lower the "head" pressure and make the compressor run more efficient. I also ordered a can of Prodry, its supposed to remove any moisture and turn it into oil along with a can of air enhancer which is supposed to help out. Call me gullible whatever but for 6 bucks a can its worth a try. Hopefully once this stuff gets here the Santech variable orifice will be here and the local parts shop helped me out and warrantied the accumulator so I have a new one to go in as well. Hopefully after this it will be cold enough.