It doesn’t, don’t know where you got that idea. The Tahoe bezel ( in some of those pics it’s a Silverado bezel iirc) gets the bottom cut off on both sides and then the 2 legs going up get cut off. The mounting ears have to end up in the right place, they pop into locators on the dash and there’s a screw on each side. The Esky bezel fits the outer curve of the dash but that’s it. The part of it that goes against the cluster has a compound curve that has to be cut so it lays against the cluster face. Then you have to put both pieces into the truck and line the top and bottom pieces up so they’re on the right planes and right overall height, and you have to temporarily attach them together, pull them out of the truck, and make a jig to hold them like that while you bond them together. Let us know how easy it is once you’ve done one! I can’t wait.