I have a 2004 Suburban 1500 with ~163k miles, and among other things my gas gauge gives wacky readings. In general I’m just unsure of how many miles I’m actually gonna get out of a tank when I consult the range projected by the computer, which is super problematic for road trips and planning gas stops. I’ve experienced a projected range of 100+ miles drop to 30-40 in the span of about 10 actual miles on the road multiple times. Sometimes I’ll get home on 1/4 tank and the next time I drive it, the empty light is on... or vice verse. Parking on an incline/decline plays a factor, but I’ve found that still, readings won’t correct even after I’ve returned to level roads. I’m guessing that the pump/sending unit has kicked the bucket, but wanted to ask if there could be something else going on. Any ideas?