thanks everyone, sorry i have taken so long to respond, ok here is what i did
i masked off everything, cause i left the bumper on(lucky i didnt end up regreting it)
i took fine grit sand paper and palm sander and sanded the chrome
cleaned it with de-waxer solvent and let it dry
sprayed with adhesion promoter, 3 coats
sprayed self etching primer, 3 coats, MOST IMPORTANT STEP
sprayed with sandable primer, 3 coats then sanded smooth
then i used dupli colour dark spiral grey paint to colour match
then clear, clear, clear
i should let you know i used same process on my rims and grill, the rims lasted an Alberta winter which is saying A LOT!!! and the grill has some small rock chips in it but im going to touch up with extra spray i have
***** follow all instructions on the products you use *****