Last week I ran the A/C a bit then switched it off. Miles down the road it was still blowing cold air. I pulled over to look and the compressor was still going (was set to floor/vent mix).
I hit the A/C button a few times and it finally went off.
That same week the truck steered like crap and I kept messing with the toe adjustment to calm it down. While it got better the tire screeched during turns.
Having to get somewhere I let it go and a bit later during a turn I got a ratcheting sound ( hard to describe ) like throwing a trans into park while rolling and the parking pin tries to engage.
Remembering the A/C I suspected the truck went into 4hi without telling me as the 2hi dash button was still lit. I went to a parking lot and ran through the modes a few times and it seemed ok after that.
I got it re-aligned and it drives okay now but the puttz at the shop jacked up the front as by the time my request to have it leveled SIDE to SIDE went through the desk people to the mechanic, he must have thought I wanted it front to back. Now it rides harsh and I don't get weekdays off to go back and beat them with the stoopid stick.
Anyway, anyone else have stuff on the Tahoes acting on their own and what I should look into?
I hit the A/C button a few times and it finally went off.
That same week the truck steered like crap and I kept messing with the toe adjustment to calm it down. While it got better the tire screeched during turns.
Having to get somewhere I let it go and a bit later during a turn I got a ratcheting sound ( hard to describe ) like throwing a trans into park while rolling and the parking pin tries to engage.
Remembering the A/C I suspected the truck went into 4hi without telling me as the 2hi dash button was still lit. I went to a parking lot and ran through the modes a few times and it seemed ok after that.
I got it re-aligned and it drives okay now but the puttz at the shop jacked up the front as by the time my request to have it leveled SIDE to SIDE went through the desk people to the mechanic, he must have thought I wanted it front to back. Now it rides harsh and I don't get weekdays off to go back and beat them with the stoopid stick.
Anyway, anyone else have stuff on the Tahoes acting on their own and what I should look into?